
Mixing cylinder failure

Due to improper assembly and long-term use of cylinders, pneumatic actuators (cylinders) prone to internal and Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant, insufficient output force and movement is not smooth, cushioning effect is bad, piston rod and cylinder head damage and other symptoms.(A) within the cylinder occurs, external leakage, usually due to the eccentric rod installation, lubricating oil supply shortage, seals and sealing ring worn or damaged cylinder and piston rod with impurities resulting from such injuries. So, when the cylinder occurs inside and outside leakage, re-adjust the center of the piston rod, piston and cylinder to ensure concentricity; should always check the lubricator is working and reliable, to ensure the implementation of components oiled; when the seal ring and seal ring ring worn or damaged, shall be replaced; if impurities exist in the cylinder, should be promptly removed; piston rod has scars should be replaced.
(2) lack of cylinder output force and movement is not smooth, generally pistons or piston rod is stuck due to poor lubrication, air supply is insufficient, or a condensate tank and impurities and concrete mix plant. In this regard, should be adjusted to the center of the piston rod; checking whether the work lubricator reliable; supply line is clogged. When the cylinder memory condensed water and impurities, should be promptly removed.
(3) of the buffer cylinder is poor, generally because of a buffer seal wear or damage caused by the adjustment screw. At this point, you should replace the seals and adjusting screw.
(4) damage to the piston rod and the cylinder head, generally due to the eccentric rod installation work or buffer mechanism caused. In this regard, should be adjusted to the center position of the piston rod; changing the buffer seals or adjustment screws.

mixing station failure

Valve failure are: pressure regulator is not high, or the slow pressure rise.
Pressure regulator is not high, often due to pressure regulator spring break or diaphragm failure and must be renewed; pressure rises slowly, usually caused because the filter is clogged, should be removed and washed.
Piping failures are: leaking pipe joints, stationary concrete batching plant, condensate aggregation.
Leaking pipe joints and hose rupture up to judge the sound leak from the site, should be promptly repaired or replaced; if there is accumulating condensate pipeline, it shall promptly drained, is characterized by condensed water in the northern winter, easy to knot Ice and clogging gas.
Compressed air processing components (triplets) faults are: oil and water separator failure, regulator and lubricator failure.
Failure of oil-water separator is divided into,precast concrete plant, breakage, drain valve moving parts moving parts is not flexible and so on. Work should always clean the filter, remove sewage and impurities inside the oil.
Regulator fault with the "valve failure" identical.
Lubricator fault phenomenon: no drop of oil deposited on the bottom of the oil cup water, oil cup seal failures. When the mist does not drip, check the inlet gas flow rate is below the fog flow, leaks, clogged fuel adjustment needle, etc.; if the oil cup bottom sediment moisture, should be immediately removed; when seal is damaged, should be replaced.

mixing station compressor failures are

mixing station compressor failures are:
Check valve is damaged, badly worn piston rings, the intake valve is damaged and air filter blockage.
To determine whether the non-return valve damage, just ten seconds after the compressor automatically shut down, turn off the power, the hand plate moving large belt wheel, if can more easily turn a week, then the check valve is not damaged ; Stationary conacrete plant, non-return valve is damaged; Further, the pressure switch from automatic exhaust vent below the case to be judged, in general, after the air compressor should be shut down automatically after about ten seconds to stop the exhaust, If you have been in the exhaust until the compressor starts again when to stop, then the check valve is damaged, must be replaced.
When the pressure of the air compressor oil rises slowly and ready mix concrete plant string phenomenon that has been severely worn piston ring compressor, should be replaced.
When the intake valve is damaged or clogged air filter, but also make the air compressor pressure rises slowly (but no strings oil phenomenon). Checking, can be put to the palm of the air inlet filter, if the heated air out the top, then place the intake valve is damaged, must be replaced; if suction is small, usually caused by dirty air filters, Filters should be cleaned or replaced.

mixing plant control requirements

Each of the cylinders, control valves and motors by Precast concrete plant processes required to run the various cylinders, control valves and motor control must be accurate, stable and reliable.
Control system with automatic or manual mode, and the relationships between independent and mutually constrained.
The system has Ready mix concrete plant capability and sound alarm self-protection.Through communication with the computer, you can display system status, fault alarm.

mixing station works

Concrete mixing station is divided into four parts: sand feed, powder (cement, fly ash, expanders, etc.) to feed, water and feed additives, transmission mixing and storage. Their workflow shown in Figure 1 , Concrete batching plant system power, into the human - machine dialogue operation interface, system initialization process, including the recipe number, grade of concrete, slump, the amount of the production side, etc. According to the weighing of each hopper, metering hopper for detected, the output signal feeding empty or filled material, prompting the operator to determine whether to start Concrete mixing plants procedures. started sand, stone belt motor fed into the weighing hopper; open fly ash, cement tank valve, start the screw conveyor ash electromechanical cement to the weighing hopper; open positions and admixtures pool water control valve inflow of water and additive metering hopper. metering meet the set requirements on metering Doudou door, ingredients into the blender started mixing, to the set time to open the door mixer, concrete mixer truck into the material has been received within.


Measurement Management System

Mixing station management system developed measuring instruments, measuring instruments unified management. Accordance with the national "Measuring Law" and relevant measurement management regulations, batch mixing plant and working procedures, which shall include: the acquisition of measuring instruments, testing, distribution, use and maintenance, archiving and scrap processing, measuring instruments to ensure a qualified state. Establish measuring equipment management accounting, ledger should include: name of measuring instruments, management class, specifications, number, date of manufacture, the use of human (or use the site, department), Concrete batching plant, test time. Should develop measurement instruments test / calibration program, regular testing, prohibit the use of the following measuring instruments: Failing to conduct periodic verification or test failed; without test certificate for; did not use legal units of measurement.

mixing station equipment maintenance system

(1), the duty officer frequent maintenance equipment, earnestly implement the device's "cross" working method, namely "Clean, lubricate, tighten, adjust, corrosion" to ensure normal operation of equipment, and must promptly fill out the maintenance system. (2), the equipment in operation occurs when a fault affecting safe operation, precast concrete plant should take appropriate measures, and also superior prohibited device sick to run. (3), equipment overhaul plan, the first person should be run according to the device operating time and circumstances put forward by the competent leadership of equipment and technical staff together to develop and identify repair and maintenance projects, methods, time and responsible. (4), warranty, maintenance personnel must conscientiously implement the plan, and according to the equipment maintenance outage time to take effective measures. (5), the warranty period of the device operating records to determine, not free to shorten or lengthen the time in order to ensure the normal operation of equipment. (6), equipment maintenance period at all levels of maintenance, concrete mixer machine levels condemnation after power equipment maintenance and technical performance must meet the requirements. (7), mixing plant machinery and equipment repair and maintenance of mechanical maintenance personnel responsible for

mixing station equipment use

The operator must strictly in accordance with the ratio test departments to provide for the construction, if arbitrarily change the mix, Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant time the operating personnel found the $ 50 fine imposed on the owners impose a fine of $ 100. Caused as a result of mishandling mechanical, physical, quality of the accident, should follow the "three left off" principle cause of the accident analysis, and accountability of the persons responsible for the direct economic losses by 50% penalty. Each station is equipped with mixing electrician and mechanic, each of whom is responsible for site equipment, routine maintenance and fault repair. Each station is equipped with a set of commonly used mixing repair tools, concrete mix plant the maintenance staff, if lost or damaged by the mixing station itself. Mixing station should get ready, the availability of equipment consumable parts, excluding accidental failures, to ensure normal operation of equipment. Operators should be prepared to control room mixers around the grounds of environmental health, and promptly clean up residual concrete mixing compartment. 28th of every month for equipment inspection, the inspection focus on equipment routine maintenance situation within the industry and station sanitation. For inspection and assessment of the results for the excellent mixing stations, given certain incentives, inspection and assessment results for poor mixing stations, will be punishable by a fine and informed.

mixing station after each job, you must turn off all power

Timely maintenance and proper operation of the device is to ensure the normal operation of the premise, to this end, stationary concrete batching plant equipment use must adhere to the following principles: 1, the operator must be trained and certificates, operating without a license is strictly prohibited. 2, according to the construction task reasonable arrangements for the use of equipment. 3, mixing station operator should remain relatively stable, If for special reasons to be adjusted when the consent of the operator device management personnel consent to proceed. 4, the operator must stick to work, to do three to understand (understand the structure, understand the principle, understand performance), four are (will be used, will be maintained, a check will be troubleshooting), press the "concrete mixing plant safety procedures." , "concrete mixing station operating procedures" requirement for the operation, and based on "Lubrication Table" and "mixing station routine maintenance schedule" regular maintenance. 5, the strict implementation of precast concrete plant, shift changes, operator response equipment to conduct a comprehensive inspection, and fill shift record, the former class operator should be indicated in the transfer equipment problems and precautions, for appearing on the group This class work problems must be resolved before the device is disabled sick job.

mixing station Precautions

1) should be checked before each job mix is correct. 2) In an emergency, should immediately press the stop button. 3)Stationary conacrete plant failure or operator error basis having the stop button, you must press the stop button and press the reset button. 4) Every time you open automatic batching without ingredients, you can press the key ingredients. 5) regularly check weighing mechanism, ready mix concrete plant and sensor connections. 6) Check the belt if there is deviation phenomenon, if the deviation should be timely adjusted.

mixing plant operation method

1) Turn on the power, the display shows "P", KM1 ~ KM4 contacts simultaneously pull it.
2) Enter the Precast concrete plant, not a fixed value of "000" (should be less than the value set with the ratio of about 15 ~ 20kg, this is the gap, in order to beat the ingredients according to the actual results of correction. 3) with the ratio setting is correct, Press the button to start batching ingredients. 4) Ingredients completed, the material light Ready mix concrete plant the material according to the material buttons. 5) When the printer is in standby, the material is completed print the results of this ingredient (no printer or the printer is turned off skip this). 6) The batching program ends, the need to re-batching ingredients can then click the button, or click on the controller's automatic / manual button, automatic lights when in automatic mode, then simply press the discharge button.

mixing station after use inspection, maintenance

1)Concrete batching plant, outside, discharge door, hopper fouling, water rinse, material shall not be placed inside the hopper. 2) Check the blade and mixing arm bolts are loose, if loose should be tightened immediately. Concrete mixing plants in the beginning of the new machine in use should focus on checking to ensure mixing blades and liner clearance value ≤ 5mm. 3) power off, lock the electrical control box. 4) for each lubrication point, add enough oil (grease).


mixing plant material transportation and storage

1, aggregates (1) used in concrete aggregates, while the transport or storage sites, it is not contaminated. (2) aggregates of different sizes should be delivered to the site and Stationary conacrete plant materials separate from each other heap. (3) coarse aggregate horizontal layers stacked pile should avoid aggregate segregation occurs. If there is segregation of aggregates, you must re-mixing in order to meet the required grading requirements. 2, cement (1) cement during transport to a waterproof tarpaulin or other effective waterproof cover to cover. Bulk cement transport vehicles hopper and ready mix concrete plant should remain different types of low-level concrete or any other material. (2) Cement should be stored in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of concrete pouring. Any time not because of the suspension of pouring cement supply disruptions. (3) Bulk cement should be in a dedicated warehouse tank storage is. (4) as soon as possible after the arrival of the cement used, should be used as a loose fluid and without caking.

mixing station plant site management

① stockyard venues and carriageways must be ground treatment and surface hardening, and meet the requirements of heavy vehicles; site should drainage facilities, Precast concrete plant, no significant accumulation of water or crater phenomena. Site field view. ② sand, gravel must implement partitioning storage, press the "zone to be seized" and "qualified area" respectively, and each region of different varieties and specifications shall be separated by the wall, and set aside the necessary or wash or screening facilities. Site field view. ③ "qualified area" sand, gravel should be used for shielding protective scaffolding firm, to shade, rain, dust and other purposes, and to set aside or summer cooling measures to ensure the concrete temperature to meet the requirements. Ready mix concrete plant. ④ used in cement, fly ash should be properly safeguarded to prevent moisture, deterioration. Field view. ⑤ variety of raw materials should be ISO9000 standard requirements for product identification, so that identifies the content is complete, eye-catching and norms. Site field view. ⑥ concrete admixture homogeneity tests. Test according to "concrete admixture homogeneity test methods" GB/T8077-2000, the results meet the engineering requirements. See test reports and records. ⑦ trial mix concrete. For examination must be carried out in the trial mix concrete at next station and the formation of supervising engineers record and signed off. Live View test reports and records. ⑧ production capacity. Device configuration and production capacity to meet the supply pipe engineering. And pipe engineering, duration, etc. were analyzed.

Acceptance inspection items

(1) organization and personnel organization set reasonable and clear division of labor; configuration testing agencies and professionals; precast concrete plant operations staff, special types of certificates and test personnel should be, other personnel should participate in any relevant training and learning. Field control personnel check documents and Concrete batching plant, check training records and test scores, job evaluation documents or checks. (2) equipment meet the project requirements, all through the test. Live view documents and physical label. (3) mixing station working rules and regulations. Should at least establish the following rules and regulations, and to achieve clear, comprehensive, approach the process correctly, accountability, operational, approved by the responsible person. (4) on-site management

mixing plant work rules

Should at least establish the following rules and regulations, and to achieve clear, comprehensive, approach the process correctly, batch mixing plant, operational, approved by the responsible person. ① Organization and Management Organization Chart. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ② work procedures and quality management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ③ personal responsibility. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ④ equipment operating procedures, concrete mix plant. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑤ equipment metrological verification, calibration and management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑥ mixing plant safety, health, environmental management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑦ documentation management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑧ relevant standards, norms, procedures, methods, and other technical documents are complete. Spot checks and in-kind directory list. ⑨ concrete mix control and management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑩ concrete production, transportation and dispatch management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑾ raw material quality control measures. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.

mixing station management letter

1, in order to ensure the quality of Stationary conacrete plant, the Shanghai-Kunming passenger line Guizhou section of each section of concrete mixing station must follow company information required to set the screen monitoring system. 2, the Shanghai-Kunming passenger line Guizhou section of each section will need to install concrete ready mix concrete plants are mixing station management information system, according to the specified application and acceptance are not allowed to install and use.

mixing station should establish the following types of accounting work

 Raw materials entering the verification testing ledger (by cement, sand, stone, admixtures, fly ash, slag and other different materials breakdown) concrete mixer machine standard test Concrete production precast concrete plant station tooling equipment accounting  mixing station test equipment ledger  mixing station test and measurement systems from the school ledger  Concrete testing standard curing specimens ledger results of testing failed ledger.

Mixing station data management

1, put into use before mixing station should be set up, installation, concrete mix plant, acceptance relevant information. 2, mixing station management system and the preparation of job responsibilities, the formation of mixing station management organization and precast concrete plant, quality and environmental management system. 3, prepare and complete the annual plan and records: work plans and records, staff training programs and records, equipment inspection and self-test programs and records, equipment maintenance programs and records, equipment usage records, and records of concrete production plans , materials and equipment purchase plans and records.

mixing station staff training

1, mixing station personnel familiar with the relevant organizations of all procedures and concrete mix plant management system. 2, please test the relevant technical personnel concrete mixing station technical conditions, high performance concrete, concrete production technology and other knowledge required training for all staff. 3, focusing on the process, focusing on job professional training. If the test staff to focus on training materials sampling procedures, concrete quality detection technology, a variety of test methods; concrete mixer driver focused training sequence feeding,  concrete mixer machine control measures to ensure the accuracy and raw materials such as concrete production aspects of the relevant knowledge. 4, Guidelines for the preparation of the card, sent to all the jobs people. 5, to develop training programs, there are training records, evaluation of training effectiveness.

mixing plant safety management standards

1, according to the mixing plant safety management approach, combined with site characteristics, formulate targeted the safety management system.
 2, often carry out safety publicity and precast concrete plant, so that the staff truly recognize the importance of safety, necessity, and firmly establish the "safety first, prevention first" thinking, consciously obey all safety laws and regulations . 3, each construction production staff induction training before the pre-job safety education, good job on-site management and carry out civilized construction. Regular and irregular conduct regular safety checks. 4, mixing station to be equipped with fire-fighting equipment, the development of "safe operation code" to establish fire protection,precast concrete plant, security, electricity system, strengthen the safety education, safe operation of regular checks promptly eliminate hidden dangers. 5, mixing station to do the production of dust, sun, rust-proof, anti-pollution work, flammable, explosive, corrosive hazardous materials and other protective measures should be isolated, designate a person for safekeeping. 6, the mixing station to have eye-catching safety signs and banners, with appropriate security safeguards.

mixing station civilized construction regulations

(1) according to site conditions and stationary concrete batching plant of wastewater sedimentation tank washing area, laid drainage system, set up expressly logo, logo production and installed in accordance with "safe and civilized railway construction project site sign" - identified 11 iron, iron identify six requirements. (2) should be regularly watering the ground, covered shelter for dust sources. (3) Each concrete mixing operation is complete, timely cleaning equipment, cleaning up the scene, so that space tidy. (4) Construction noise generated close to residential areas should not exceed the current "Construction Site Noise Limits" (GB12523) requirements, or should be monitored. (5) should be set according to motor vehicles, equipment washing facilities, drainage ditches and settling ponds, construction of sewage treated before discharge into compliance municipal sewage pipe network or river. (6) waste generated by construction machinery and concrete mix plant, waste oil and sewage shall directly into rivers, lakes or other waters it, nor shall be discharged into the land near the source of drinking water. (7) cement, fly ash and other materials, feed, pay attention to materials, roof sealing performance, when the dust is large, feeding should be suspended until the processing is complete before continuing. (8) on a regular basis, someone to clean up and clean the mixing station, mixing station to maintain health.

mixing station construction provides temporary power

(A) temporary power shall prepare construction design temporary power to determine the power line, the total distribution box, distribution box location and orientation of the line for load calculation, select transformer capacity and ready mix concrete plant, the development of safe use of electricity Technical measures and electrical fire prevention measures. By the relevant departments of audit and technical director for approval and implementation. (2) distribution room (chamber), transformers and other electrical equipment located fixed barriers or safety mesh fence, height of not less than 2.5m, should set clear prohibition, warning signs, signs of the production and installation should follow the "Railway safe and civilized construction project site sign "- Iron ban 5, Tiejing 1 and 16 requirements. (4) should be consistent with the existing temporary power "construction site temporary electrical safety technical specifications" (JGJ46) requirements. Project dedicated power neutral point directly grounded 220/380V low voltage electrical systems must be used to protect access to zero TN-S system, and to do three power distribution protection and two "one machine, one box a gate-drain." (5) Power operating personnel must be certified, according to the provisions worn properly, the use of labor protection products. (6) multi-channel distribution distribution box should be marked, distribution box should gates,concrete mix plant, a water-resistant measures, steel switch box must be grounded. All electrical equipment must be complete, no damage, good performance. You must use the installation  With an electric shock protector outlet. Shock protection should be periodically tested to ensure reliable performance. Do not use copper wire, iron wire and other metal instead of fuses. Prohibited in a switch to connect multiple electrical devices. (7) nighttime construction, mixing station shall be provided within the district to meet the safety requirements for lighting.