
Key control region of the concrete mix

Remediation construction dust pollution. Strengthen the construction site dust control at the same time, Shenyang requirements by the end of July before the end of the city's road repair construction . Ready mix concrete plant , National Games Village area will be stopped and the three -loop earthwork , demolition and construction of non- emergency road construction excavation . Key control region of the concrete mix , asphalt mixing companies will also stop production and supply. In the key control area of 24-hour street cleaning, the implementation of the road main streets rinse operations. concrete mix plant , sealed and other measures to control coal , sand and other materials prone to dust stacking and transport dust. During the Games , focusing on the control area is prohibited coal , sand , dirt and other materials transportation .
Control of volatile organic pollution . Shenyang on oil depots, gas stations and tanker implement oil and gas recovery .

