
Concrete pump denitrification ready mix concrete plants

Vigorously carry out energy-saving technology and key enterprises economizer work completed pot ( kilns) , motor system energy saving, energy system optimization , utilization of waste heat and pressure energy-saving technological transformation projects , the annual saving 450,000 tons of batching plant for sale. Completed 241 million businesses and provincial State 1000 Enterprise objectives and tasks , the annual coal saving 591,000 tons of standard coal . This year , the city also arranged a focus on atmospheric emissions reduction project 28 . Among them, the power of flue gas denitrification 7 , cement clinker production line of flue gas denitrification 13 , 7,000 tons of nitrogen oxides soil stabilization plants ; 6 sulfur dioxide emissions of power engineering , steel and a sulfur dioxide emission reduction projects in other industries sulfur dioxide emissions project 1 , 8000 tons of sulfur dioxide can be reduced .


Tunneling and transportation construction slag

While the construction of the power station building construction , can not be avoided on both sides of the road environment will affect and damage the surrounding hole dug construction and transportation construction slag performance is particularly prominent , and concrete plants for sale philosophy has penetrated people's hearts today, the Environmental Protection has become and the quality, safety , and progress of both the management priorities and goals . Especially the recent road construction site on both sides of boundless expanse of tea garden , green growth is a critical period , in order to ensure the growth and stability of tea green tea intelligence matters concern farmers , the Liyang Pumped Storage Power Station into a " boutique projects" and "ecological engineering "so green with engineering peers ,Stabilization Plant innings Liyang project Department adhere to the" do not destroy is the greatest protection " philosophy of" less disturbance and more protection , less pollution, and more prevention , "the construction principles of environmental protection , in the presence construction site since , both to ensure the construction and environmental protection, a number of measures.


Infrastructure rebuilding itself

Traffic reconstruction project is relatively small investment , but to Diego Highway 313 segment where the peak line Zhouqu , two estuaries to Zhouqu Zhouqu section are entering traffic "lifeline" stuff from two directions , especially boat peak segment also Zhouqu county and batch mixing plant  the new peak Diego District disaster . Zhouqu urban and rural housing , water, electricity , telecommunications, municipal infrastructure and transportation infrastructure rebuilding itself , all of Zhouqu transportation security made ??high demands. Leaders at all levels have attached great importance to the reconstruction of traffic , the provincial party secretary Wang Yun In Zhouqu investigation should be made to ensure quality, full supervision of all aspects must resolutely prevent the shabby ; ensure progress , batching plant manufacturers with the timing requirements set schedule , and resolutely prevent the beard works ; ensure fairness, must not engage in excellent affectionate friend, and resolutely prevent the grievances engineering ; ensure safety , strict capital , production, cadres and three checkpoints , and resolutely prevent the corruption works.


Cement stabilized soil structure layer should be in late spring

With the development of society, people in life it is not required for the construction of larger , for processing and production of building materials , it is often a mixing station will be used to  batching plant manufacturers  this type of equipment , the use of mixing station for us helpful to bring the relatively large.
1 , when the structure of the cement stabilized soil layer construction matters to note: clods should be as crushing clods maximum size should not exceed 15mm. Ingredients should be accurate . Road construction should be paving process cement mix evenly . Watering , mixing evenly . Should be in the mix , or slightly larger than the optimum moisture content ( when the weather is hot and dry , stabilized soil mixing station ,  concrete mixing station  can be as large 1% to 2% ) are rolled , the concrete mixing until you achieve the following by heavy compaction test method to determine the requirements for the degree of compaction . Should be strictly controlled base thickness and elevation , its road humps cross slope should be consistent with the surface layer .