
Infrastructure rebuilding itself

Traffic reconstruction project is relatively small investment , but to Diego Highway 313 segment where the peak line Zhouqu , two estuaries to Zhouqu Zhouqu section are entering traffic "lifeline" stuff from two directions , especially boat peak segment also Zhouqu county and batch mixing plant  the new peak Diego District disaster . Zhouqu urban and rural housing , water, electricity , telecommunications, municipal infrastructure and transportation infrastructure rebuilding itself , all of Zhouqu transportation security made ??high demands. Leaders at all levels have attached great importance to the reconstruction of traffic , the provincial party secretary Wang Yun In Zhouqu investigation should be made to ensure quality, full supervision of all aspects must resolutely prevent the shabby ; ensure progress , batching plant manufacturers with the timing requirements set schedule , and resolutely prevent the beard works ; ensure fairness, must not engage in excellent affectionate friend, and resolutely prevent the grievances engineering ; ensure safety , strict capital , production, cadres and three checkpoints , and resolutely prevent the corruption works.

