
Tunneling and transportation construction slag

While the construction of the power station building construction , can not be avoided on both sides of the road environment will affect and damage the surrounding hole dug construction and transportation construction slag performance is particularly prominent , and concrete plants for sale philosophy has penetrated people's hearts today, the Environmental Protection has become and the quality, safety , and progress of both the management priorities and goals . Especially the recent road construction site on both sides of boundless expanse of tea garden , green growth is a critical period , in order to ensure the growth and stability of tea green tea intelligence matters concern farmers , the Liyang Pumped Storage Power Station into a " boutique projects" and "ecological engineering "so green with engineering peers ,Stabilization Plant innings Liyang project Department adhere to the" do not destroy is the greatest protection " philosophy of" less disturbance and more protection , less pollution, and more prevention , "the construction principles of environmental protection , in the presence construction site since , both to ensure the construction and environmental protection, a number of measures.

