
Store flammable items should

Mixing station to consider cleaning and storage of raw materials, concrete mix, mixer layout, logistics channel, office and living areas, etc., site area should be sufficiently large and flat, open, to meet the production needs of the construction. 5 to ensure safe from floods and landslides threaten to avoid landslides, rockfall, landslides, unstable rock and other locations. Avoid soil, spoil venue. Avoid high voltage lines and tall trees. Stationary conacrete plant lines to maintain a certain distance. As far as possible away from the buildings built in the 20m, 300m away from centralized blasting area, 1 km away from the forest zone over the region. From the boiler room, ready mix concrete plant, kitchen and other temporary housing must be located no less than 10 m. Store flammable items should be specified in relation to the temporary storehouse safe distance away. 6 Construction interference, environmentally friendly and pollution treatment.

